Creating a Visual Content Marketing strategy with photography and video means setting up communication with immediate impact. The human brain absorbs images much faster than words and remembers them longer. With the right visuals, it will be easy to show your business to anyone, anywhere, anytime: during presentations, conferences, trade fairs, meetings, business appointments, with or without internet access.
The media used must add value—meaning a stock photo in the middle of your post won’t help the average time increase. Whether it is a website or social communication, the contribution of relevant photo and video content significantly increases user engagement, increases dwell time and reduces churn rates.
An attractive image that uses corporate colours, fonts, and visual identity of the brand, is a great way to develop memory, not just of the image itself, but of the brand as a whole, increasing brand awareness, trust, and credibility.
On the web, photographs replace the real vision of a product and are decisive for the success of an online shop. Professional photography shows the product’s best features and conveys an emotion that suits your target audience.
The proper setting, the right choice of lighting, and the right target will make it possible to arouse the curiosity of the web user, attracting him to click on the object, read the description and finally put the product in the shopping cart to complete the purchase.
All these steps have to do with trust in the seller and the product. Professional product photography will increase customer confidence.
Cimatti’s video services promote your products and services. They include video interviews, video editing, films for the web, animations, demonstration videos.
Photography and video are indispensable for the success of your marketing. We help you with product photography, digital image optimization, and video production for marketing your products and services.
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