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Privacy & Cookie Policy

Dear user, in accordance with art. 13 EU Regulation no. 679/2016, we would like to provide you with simple and clear information on how we will process the personal data you provide us directly or come into our possession through your navigation on our website.

Data Controller

The data controller is Andrea Cimatti, owner of Andrea Cimatti with headquarters in Corso Baccarini 26, 48018 Faenza (RA) – Italy.

Why are personal data processed?

Purpose and legal basis of the processing

The personal data provided by users are used to:

All processing is based on the express consent of the data subject.

How are personal data processed?

Data processing methods

The data collected are processed mainly by computer. Appropriate security measures are observed to prevent data loss, illicit or incorrect use and unauthorised access. The Data Controller collects some personal data such as name, surname, e-mail address, telephone number, postal address, curriculum vitae, and other data voluntarily provided by users of the Site through specific contact forms or forwarded to the Data Controller by e-mail. Except as specified for navigation data (see cookie information), the provision of data is optional. Refusal to provide the data will make it impossible to send contact requests or access the reserved area.

How long will the data be stored?

The personal data provided will be stored only for the period necessary to respond to the requests received or, in any case, for as long as you are registered in the reserved area.

Who processes personal data?

Persons authorised to process and location of processing

Personal data are processed by internal persons authorised to process the data who have been specially trained for this purpose and who are in any case bound by professional secrecy and the utmost confidentiality. Personal data is processed by professionals who are responsible for updating and maintaining the website, and who have been formally designated as personal data processors. The processing operations connected to the web services of this Site take place mainly at the aforementioned premises. Personal data are processed within the territory of the European Union.

Data communication

The personal data provided is not subject to communication or dissemination to third parties. The interested party has the right to ask the Data Controller:

Access to your data

You may obtain confirmation that personal data concerning you is being processed by asking for more information and a copy of your data.

The rectification of personal data

You may request rectification to ensure that the personal data processed is correct.

The deletion of personal data

The data subject may obtain the deletion of personal data in the cases referred to in Article 17 GDPR.

The limitation of the processing concerning them

The data subject may request that the processing be limited by objecting to the erasure as they must exercise or defend a right in court.

Personal data processed by automated means and the right to data portability

The data subject has the right to receive personal data in a standard structured format, given the particular nature of the processing and recording.

The right to object to the processing of personal data

The data subject has the right to object to direct marketing at any time. This website does not carry out user profiling.

The data subject may request further information or exercise their rights by contacting the contact point of the Data Controller:

The data subject has the right to complain with the Italian Data Protection Supervisor. For more information on the right to complain, please visit the following webpage:

Cookie policy

What is a cookie?

A cookie is a small file that a website sends to your browser and saves on your computer when you visit a website. Cookies are used to make the site work or improve its performance and provide information to the owners of the Site. Depending on the function and purpose of use, cookies are divided into technical, profiling, and third-party cookies.

Technical cookies

Technical cookies are those whose use does not require the user’s consent. These cookies are essential to allow you to browse a website and use all of its functionalities. Without these necessary cookies, a website could not provide certain services or functions, and browsing would not be as smooth and easy as it should be. Such a cookie also stores a user’s decision to use cookies on the website. Also in this category are performance cookies, which are sometimes also called analytics cookies. These cookies collect information about a user’s use of a website and allow the website to function better. For example, performance cookies show which pages are most frequently visited, help see the recurring patterns of use of a website, help understand any difficulties a user may have in using a website and show the effectiveness of advertising on the website. Technical cookies are essential and cannot be disabled using the features of this website. In general, cookies can be completely deactivated in your browser at any time.

Technical cookies used on the Site

Name: _ga

Description: Allows statistical information to be collected in an anonymous and aggregated manner (first-party cookie generated by Google Analytics). More information:

Duration: 2 years

Name: _gid

Description: collects anonymous and aggregated statistical information (first-party cookie generated by Google Analytics).

More information:

Duration: 24 hours


Description: A technical session cookie used to establish a user session and communicate status data through a temporary cookie, commonly referred to as a session cookie. Since the PHPSESSID cookie has no expiration date, it disappears when the browser is closed. It does not contain any personal information.

Duration: for the time of the session.

Name: gdprCookieConsent

Description: A technical cookie used to store your preference for using cookies.

Profiling cookies

The Site may use other cookies to monitor and profile users while browsing, studying their movements and web browsing or consumption habits (what they buy, what they read, etc.), and sending targeted and personalised service advertisements. These are profiling cookies. The use of these cookies requires the prior acquisition of the user’s free, informed consent in accordance with EU Regulation no. 679/2016. This website does not use profiling cookies.

Third-party cookies

It may also happen that a web page contains cookies from other sites and for visualizing various elements hosted on the page itself, such as advertising banners, images, videos, etc.. We speak, in these cases, of so-called third-party cookies that are used for profiling purposes.

Third-party cookies used on the Site

Third party: Google Description: The Google services on the Site include Google Maps for displaying maps, Google reCaptcha to prevent bots from filling in forms, and Youtube for displaying videos on Useful links:

Third party: Add to Any Description: Service for sharing content to numerous social networks (including Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Linkedin, YouTube…). Useful links: 

Third party: Facebook Description: The Facebook service on the Site is the Facebook Pixel Code, useful for monitoring the progress of Facebook campaigns. Useful links:

How to disable cookies?

Most browsers (Internet Explorer, Firefox, etc.) are configured to accept cookies. However, most browsers allow you to control and even disable cookies through your browser settings. Please note, however, that disabling technical cookies may cause the Site to malfunction and/or limit the service we offer.

How to change the settings for:

For other browsers, please refer to their technical documentation. To disable analytics cookies and prevent Google Analytics from collecting data about your browsing, you can download the Google Analytics opt-out browser add-on:

Changing cookie settings


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I cookie necessari sono i cookie tecnici cioè quelli il cui utilizzo non richiede il consenso dell’utente.

Questi cookie sono essenziali per consentire di navigare in un sito web e utilizzarne tutte le funzionalità. Senza questi cookie, che sono assolutamente necessari, un sito web non potrebbe fornire alcuni servizi o funzioni e la navigazione non sarebbe agevole e facile come dovrebbe essere. Un cookie di questo tipo viene inoltre utilizzato per memorizzare la decisione di un utente sull’utilizzo di cookie sul sito web.

I cookie tecnici sono essenziali e non possono essere disabilitati utilizzando questa funzionalità.
In generale comunque i cookie possono essere disattivati completamente nel proprio browser in qualsiasi istante.




I cookie statistici vengono utilizzati per monitorare le performances del sito, per esempio per conoscere il numero di pagine visitate o il numero di utenti che hanno visualizzato una determinata sezione.

I cookie statistici utilizzati dal nostro sito si avvalgono di servizio di Google Analytics.

L’analisi di questi cookie genera dati statistici anonimi e aggregati senza riferimento alcuno all’identità dei navigatori del sito. Sono utili anche per valutare eventuali modifiche e miglioramenti da apportare al sito stesso.




I cookie di targeting sono cookie impostati da terze parti come YouTube, Facebook, Twitter.

Questi cookie tengono traccia del tuo comportamento come la riproduzione di video o quali tweet hai già visualizzato.

Se non viene dato il consenso a questi cookie, non sarà possibile guardare i video su questo sito web o utilizzare la funzionalità di condivisione sui social.

Questi cookie possono essere utilizzati dal fornitore di cookie per creare un profilo dei tuoi interessi e mostrarti pubblicità pertinenti su altri siti. Non memorizzano direttamente informazioni personali, ma si basano sull'identificazione univoca del browser e del dispositivo Internet.
